
By Bigdreamer

Bring a friend to Ballet

My 100th blip can't believe I have done a 100 journals, I may not have done it every single day but this for me is a massive achievement, my life is anything but slow with time proving to be a big challenge. Thanks to everyone for the kinds words and for following me on here. It is always nice to hear people like reading my day to day life

Early wake up call for us all today. Lara was very very excited. Today she was allowed to join in at ballet,it was bring a friend day at ballet and Bailee was taking her as her friend. Lara had magically transformed in to a cheerful, well behaved angel!!!! no fighting, screaming or tantrums this morning, it was so easy and stress free and things went very smoothly all 3 dressed by 7.30 and breakfast done with out me asking 100 times what would you like. Bailee and Maddi were very excited too. Showing Lara all the ballet moves, skipping, and pilae, and first position. Lara looked very cute in her little ballet unifier, which had belonged to Miss Maddi when she had started at 2.5yrs old it is hard for me to remember Miss Maddi every this small.

Time went painfully slow this morning with all girls jumping around and begging to get going, class started at 8.50, with maddi's starting straight after that at 9.30am. In the car with me driving very very slow, we still manage to beat the poor dancing teachers there and were waiting outside the gates for them giving them a bit of a surprise. Once inside the confident little miss Lara looked around and saw all the other dancers and lost her confidence, clinging to my leg and telling me she is scared Bailee was gently trying to take her hand, but Lara was having none of it, once she has made a decision it is all over, she clung to me like a baby monkey. I took her inside and she watched from lowered eyelashes, peeking through the entire time, I could tell she wanted to join in but for the first time I saw her as shy.

Lara came home and said next lesson I won't be scared mummy, now I know what to do. I am hoping that kinder won't be the same thing, and that she will transition a lot more confidently. Funny I thought that out of all of them she would be the easiest to jump in to things, maybe she isn't ready to give up being my baby just yet!!! Kinder party tomorrow for her, will be interesting she is at the moment all excited, but If this morning is anything to go by who knows.

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