
By Bigdreamer

Ipad time

Miss Lara is gearing up to start her kinder transition, yesterday she met her teacher Rose officially, although she has known Rose for a long time before then. Sitting in the interview talking about her starting and how best to transition her, I remember clearly sitting here with all of them and now my baby is almost starting. I remember the walk down the long hill with Maddi and Bailee and very soon I will take that walk with Lara, for the last time. Play group has been like my second home, with Maddi starting at only 10 months old and me finding a place to unleash amongst other mums, and to get advise and kind words of the very gentle faye playgroup teacher. I have been coming here for 6 years straight!!!! WOW Bailee and Lara starting at just a week old.

I will miss coming here, and it will be hard to break that 6 year tradition.
Lara cried after the interview, and when I asked her why, she replied. I want to stay at kinder and do jobs and have lunch, the poor little munchkin thought she was actually starting today, even though our interview was at 3.50 and all the kids had gone home.I managed to calm her with the promise to start some time next week. I guess I will start transitioning her early. Orientation day on Sunday where all the new little kids will get to meet each other. Lara Knows a little girl from art group Bella, and she adores her and they have built a nice little friendship luckily enough they are in the same class. Lara is very excited to do jobs with Bella.

Bailee and Lara are watching music videos on the iPad, they clicked on the one direction clip"thats what makes you beautiful."
Bailee pipes up to Lara which boy do you like Lara.
"I like that one (points to the first one she see)
Bailee " ohhh I like the one with yellow hair, he is the handsomest "
hmmmm girls you are way to young to be looking at boys.

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