A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Fun and games

If I write that the kids (or certainly one of them) will be excited when I tell them they can play match the lid to the jar in the morning and fill them up with sweets for the Christmas Fair I think it will sound like sarcasm. It isn't.

The main thing I learned today was that I think best in water - had an interesting insight about something in the shower and planned the framework for a case discussion whilst having a swim. The latter was particularly interesting as I had to turn my thoughts into a chant to remember them until the end of the swim. Especially good as I had felt a little indulgent heading off for a swim in the middle of the day.

Might be good if I can combine working and swimming as then I might go more than once a fortnight which is not good for making the swims any easier, today was particularly hard.

Fortunately, the evening has nothing more in store than a sofa, a blanket and White Collar.

Lesley x

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