
By FrankS

Bath 2

Our second day in Bath.  The weather was not perfect, when is it ever in November, misty, damp, cold.  But we wrapped up and walked down into the city centre after an excellent full English (vegetarian) breakfast.

We followed a walk in Ann's book, managing about half due to the numerous stops for looking at landmarks and taking copious photos.  Plus, of course, the compulsory coffee stop at Nero (sorry Cameron).

Later we went to the Victoria Art Gallery to dry out look at paintings.

Tea was at The Porter, the only vegetarian pub in Bath (or many other places probably).  We had the curry, washed down with a pint of the local Bath Ale Gem bitter. Very nice.

Today's photo was taken on the Royal Crescent. A magnificent row of town houses built in the 1700's facing open grassland and trees. Bath's pride and joy!

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