the colour green

By jukeys

moving day

I have never had a better swim in the river than we did today (see extra pic).

We started the day early with Pierre getting help from Chuck, Anthony, and Florian to move the piano round to Jean-Louis’s place. Then various other pieces of furniture were hauled up and down stairs! I cleaned and moved the remainder of the stuff over to dad’s.

It was boiling hot by the time we finished at noon and Pierre and I jumped into the river behind the house - fully clothed! It was brilliant. The water was still quite fast-flowing and it felt so good after all the dust, dirt, and sweat we had accumulated all morning in the heat.

We have had so much help from so many friends over the past couple of weeks. Anthony came for his lunch today, but we’re gonna do dinner for everyone in a few weeks’ time once we’re settled at dad’s.

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