A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Roman Pyjama Day

Roman dressing up day and pjs for Children in Need coincided this year. It did mean Anna walked to school in her slippers as it was a little chilly for sandals. Through pure guilt at not doing all the things Anna would like me to do with school I agreed to spend the entire day helping 60 children cook and serve themselves a banquet eaten lying on cushions dressed in togas. Despite all my fears and the nagging of the annoying amount of work that arrived overnight that appears to suddenly be urgent, I had a great day. The kids were all lovely and behaved really well and had so much fun and clearly just enjoyed themselves so much it was all very worthwhile. And I got to sneak into the CIN dares assembly to watch my daughter have a ball of a time doing such things as try "dog food" and attempt to throw marshmallows into a fellow student's mouth.

And I ran my first actual, real, full 5k for at least three years.

And Carl has made curry and we are back in the West Wing groove.

A happy, happy day.

Lesley x

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