Above Waulkmill (Day 1194)

It seems to have been a bit of a busy day somehow. After the morning woofer wander, I set about organising my scrap pile (I might take it to the scrapyard sometime soonish) whilst waiting for my beautiful wife to return from her overnight shift at work. There was time for a brief hello and catch up before she zoomed off to do hossing, leaving me to fiddle with a mountain of copper and brass. Once that lot was dealt with, the garage got a bit of a sweep out. I needed to drop off an invoice for yesterday's call out, and it seemed only right to get out on the motorbike for a ride in the sunshine. Obviously there was a bit of a detour to make the ride longer.
Back at home, I got the grass cut before HV returned from hossing. After lunch we trundled off to Waulkmill to wander with the woofers. The high tide meant we had it all to ourselves. I always like looking down on the colours of the water over the sandy beach as we go up and down the footpath to the car park. Whilst out wandering we hatched a plan to get out on the bikes again and managed to do a 50 odd mile route before arriving home a little bit chilly. It must be time for dinner now...

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