Beach walk (Day 1193)

Rain served as a late alarm clock this morning, and I opted for a bit of a lie in, hoping the weather would improve before the morning woofer wander. 
An insistent Talisker eventually made lurking in bed any longer impossible and my beautiful wife and I took the woofers up the hill as the rain stopped.
A little later HV tootled off to Stromness to deal with the horses, and I had plans to do a couple of things around the house. The plans were put on hold by a call out to deal with a holiday cottage with an air-locked hot water system. It was a relatively easy job, and I was back home in time for lunch with HV and a trip out to the beach at Aikerness with the woofers. We were lucky to have the beach all to ourselves on a lovely day. 
Later as HV zoomed off to work, I trundled to Stromness to do a bit of strimming at Mum's

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