
By Missycat

AbstractThursday163 Not really a fractal!

After posting a blip every day for a week while away I haven't managed to anything for the last 4 days.  It may have something to do with the continuing heat, or the fact that most of my attention has been given to the washing machine since we got back...
Today brought a break in the weather, very much cooler and non stop rain all day.  The garden is grateful of course, but I wouldn't have minded a short break from it while I shopped! By the afternoon I realised that I'd done nothing for the AT challenge, which this week is Fractals.  I didn't have any of the right sort of flowers to hand (eg sunflowers, gerberas) and didn't fancy getting soaked to look for ferns unfurling in the garden.  I tried something with a shell, but didn't like the results, so resorted to a shot of one of the wall lights in the dining room.  I did an awful lot of things to the image, but it doesn't really fulfil the brief I'm afraid.

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