In Search Of Lavender

Today we went in search of lavender fields. Provence is well known for them; they’re on all the tourist brochures and all the shops are full of lavender goods, but they must be hiding the fields from the tourists because we really struggled to find this one. We expected to see them everywhere by the sides of the roads but to find this one we had to drive up a narrow, windy road up the side of a mountain (I had to close my eyes at one point) and then walk through a tiny village in the middle of nowhere and across some fields. It was good to find some at last, but it wasn’t the abundance of plants in tidy lines that we’d expected. Anyway, I managed to get a few nice shots (the close up is borrowed from Miss M).
In weather news - it’s first day that we haven’t seen the sun at all. Cloudy all morning, rain and thunderstorms all afternoon. I expect it’s nice in the UK......

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