I finally got into our store room, and fished out my fold up bike. I bought it 2 years ago at a garage sale down here. 60 bucks. Stopped at a gas station for some air...and I'm ready to roll.

I took it out to a local nature preserve. Robinson Preserve. A huge place. As I pedaled along...I hummed the Simon and Gar tune..."Where have you gone Mrs. Robinson?"...(Now if I only knew how to spell Coo-Coo-Ca-choo.)

I come here looking for lizards, dragonflies, and night herons. I found some of each.

I nervously watch my step. I've seen a snake out here.The lizards are everywhere...although very skittish. I'd probably already snapped 6 lizards when I spotted a GIANT spider. As big around as a half dollar coin. It made me leave the wooded area...or was it that last lizard trying to sell me car insurance?

Probably my best day as far as variety goes. Butterflies, dragonflies, pelicans, disgusting eating herons, and...a little floral thrown in for some color. You can have a look on my Flickr page. Also...a picture of my nifty little bike.

Imagine my surprise when I looked at my images on the computer, and my GIANT spider turned out to be a crab!!

Don't laugh. Those things can really pinch.

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