michigan man

By outdoorguy

The Little Man

Fridays with Merrick has turned into Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday with Merrick. His momma went to South Carolina, and his daddy went into the woods to try to kill Bambi's mother. Or..even better..Bambi's father..with a nice big rack of horns.

Our grandson has his first cold, but he has done a lot better today. He was quite the charmer at junior church , but not so much at lunchtime. He has decided he doesn't want to eat certain foods, but still takes them in his mouth so he can spit them out. The area under his high chair looked like the kitchen of a fast-food place.

Good thing his mother can't see a close-up of this picture. I took 9 shots, and this was the only one where he didn't have a snotty nose. His little moose sweatshirt is covered with who-knows-what, and we had to take orange jello out of his hair at lunchtime. Charming..just charming. The Wild Thing lettering on his shirt fits the little monstah, but what a cutie.

95 minutes and counting until bedtime. He does make us chuckle and laugh, but he also makes us feel like we are in our late 50's. I hope my daughter has a great time, and my son-in-law comes home deerless..but still enjoys himself. The idea of 6-7 guys holed up in a trailer with nothing to eat but meal after meal of chili just doesn't appeal to me. At least they probably don't have to run the heater.

My darling wife, and my other daughter are upstairs changing a messy diaper. She yelled down to me, but I told her I was blipping. The score is 4-0 in her favor. She is taking Mon., and Tues. off.. I think because she enjoys changing the sloppy ones. I guess I better try to catch up in the next couple of days.

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