The "Discussion"

Lisa and I went out to the Botanical Gardens this morning. The temperature was pushing 8oF. Tough to take.

We always get a couple of small bags of turtle food. They only come by sound. You do feel kind of foolish saying..."Here turtle turtle turtle."

The turtle food draws both the turtles and the small fish. The small fish draw any egrets in the area. It was hard not to put the diving egrets on my post...but instead put them on my Flickr page. They are sooo pretty.

So...this bickering couple get the nod. Just for the sake of the story...I'm going to say the open-mouthed one is the female. Feel free to change the story line...if you choose. At least I tried to stay away from these 3 words...nag...nag...nag.

I hate to say how many pictures I took of the pair. Maybe 200. She never stopped the "badgering." He never said one word in return...instead...just kept trying to turn away, or fly away. 30...40...50 minutes. I put 4-5 other discussion pictures on the other page.

Made me wish I could take a turn at understanding TERN. Might have been interesting.

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