Brighton Blue

I woke up at 6am and although I was tired I knew I wasn't going to get back to sleep so I decided to get up and go for a swim and get back before Lorraine and Emily were up.  I was in the pool just before 7am, swam 50 lengths and was out just after 7.30am.  I had a quick shower and was home by 8.30am.

We had breakfast, took the boys for a good walk and then we caught the bus into town.  The main event of the day was to go up the i360 and it was the perfect day for it, we could see for miles.  The next port of call was Al Fresco for lunch in the sun overlooking the beach, and then we strolled back along the seafront stopping for ice creams from this van.  We then went on the carousel before heading for our bus home.  

Emily wanted to sit upstairs at the front of the bus and when we got to Saltdean both Lorraine and Emily said they'd like to go for a paddle in the sea, so we made a quick decision to get off and go down to the beach.  The sea was lovely and fairly warm, but was quite choppy!  We only stayed for about half an hour as we needed to get back to the boys, and as there was a 10 minute wait for the bus we decided to walk but it was hard work as it's all up hill and by this time we were all tired.  

We made it though and Emily wanted to go in the hot tub again, so I went in with her, and it felt great after all that walking.  Tonight though I'm really tired - Lorraine has just gone to bed and I don't think i'll be far behind her.  It's been a great day though and I enjoyed being a tourist in my home town.

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