Life In Wales

By KarenC

The Rainbow Carpet

This coming weekend is Brighton Pride and a rainbow carpet has recently been painted by Brighton Artist Lois O'Hara, so I went for a walk at lunch time to see it.  I'm not sure if it's a temporary piece of art or whether it'll be a permanent feature, but it certainly brightens up a grey day!

Rachel had an awful journey home last night, after leaving us at 5.15pm, they were diverted towards Southampton and then across country joining the M40 at Bicester - apparently there was a 57 minute delay on the usual M23/M25 route.  But the real problems started when she was on the M6 and the traffic came to a complete standstill with people sat outside of their cars.  Anyway, they eventually got home at about 11.45pm, so a 6.5 hour journey!

Having said I was going to do my ironing last night, I didn't so I'm still facing having to do it tonight and in light of Lorraine and Emily arriving tomorrow, I'd better get on with it.  At least I think I've more or less caught up with you all!

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