Fairy Cakes!

After a nice lie in, and a wirligig disaster, we went to Chris and Tony's 'Open Garden' where we met HeartFreek and Mr W.  Chris and Tony are both fantastic gardeners and thankfully the sun shined for them today.

We had a wander round the garden and then sat and ate cake (I had a fantastic fairy cake - see my extra) and had tea and coffee.  It was a lovely, relaxing couple of hours with friends and I managed to get Chris to sit down for a few minutes for my blip.  You'll recognise HeartFreek, Alan and Mr W, and then you have Norma and Barry.

This afternoon Norma has done some ironing for me while I've had a good tidy round, Barry's had a 'nod' in the Palace and Alan took the boys for a walk.  Then we sat in the garden and had a drink while the Sunday roast was cooking.

Yet again I can't believe where the time's gone, it's already 10.30pm and I'm only just posting my blip!  Hope you've had a good one!

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