Below the Grass

Bit of a hectic day today. After the heavy rain overnight, woke up to bright sunshine. Mr Lif was up early but was looking a wee bit peely wally as we say in these parts.

I took young Jake off to get a haircut so he will be spick and span on his passport photo for his football trip to Texas in January. We then had some lunch out before I dropped him off at his match. His team were playing Dundee Utd boys. He was quite excited at the prospect of the challenge.

When I got home Mr Lif declared himself broken and retired to bed. So I popped the dogs in the car and headed back to Cupar to watch the last 30 mins of Jake's match (5-0 drubbing :) ) and then Jake and I took the dogs to Tentsmuir for a walk.

The late light was fantastic and as the tide was in and lapping gently. There was a lot of birdlife. Despite snapping like fury, they were all too far away for my wee lens. Still, we had a lovely walk in the fading light.

Jake is now of to Dundee Observatory with his dad to look at the moon and the planets. Mr Lif has rallied so I have made some nice spicey burritos for tea. I am currently being gracious and allowing him to watch the England Spain match. Lets hope it ends before Strictly or there may be a domestic :)

Time for a wee glass of cava, I think. Have a fab Saturday x

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