We ate lunch at Tammelantori market place (salmon hamburgers, of course :) then we went to see Finlayson Art Area exhibitions. We saw Pekka Kauhanen's sculptures, Lars Nyberg's graphics, Hannu Palosuo's paintings, Rut Bryk's ceramics and Rosa Liksom's paintings, sculptures, installations and photos. All exhibition venues were very well air-conditioned, but I can not recommend Pala cafe and other restaurants in Siperia building before weather cools down - it was very hot in there!

We had book reading picnic at Eteläpuisto park while Emma trained in Pyynikki. There were lots of people learning to paddle on SUP boards in front of us. Also many water scooters drove around, unfortunately. If I would have the power, I would ban all water scooters!  They are totally unnecessary and highly disturbing equipments, if you ask me. Finally swimming in Rauhaniemi (see the extra photo) and evening at home.

+28,7°C, sunny

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