Do You Mind??

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess,

I went for a walk at lunchtime and caught this blackbird having his bath. I actually have better pictures (after I zoomed in) but this is my favourite. I think it is because he looks so AFFRONTED that I caught him in the bathroom.

I imagine him stalking off, with a towel around his waist in the next picture.

I needed to walk today, to blow away the cobwebs. I spent the entirety of the day writing a long document. I was quite proud of myself. It was for the systems support people and I try not to skimp on the detail when it comes to them.

This is because we (Mad Dog, Princess, Auslaender) have all been on the pooey end of bad documentation and I am determined to show up the charlatans.



Having said that, it was hard not to let my mind wander and put in some things to make me laugh. I try not to, but it is impossible. Mad Dog will remember all too well how I used to write error reports that somehow always seemed to include references to Carol Vorderman's knickers.

And actually, I remember the Princess reading a document of mine on "Series U" Funds. I don't remember it in detail, but I think it included sections titled, "Paracetamol Time" and "Now This Is Rubbish". And a paragraph that concluded, "That's you over the worst bit love, now go and get yourself a nice cup of tea and a biscuit."

"Did you write this?" The Princess asked me, looking at me intently, with her head cocked to one side like an affronted blackbird.
"Errrr... yes...?" I replied.

And she gave me a look. And I remember thinking, "Oh b*gger. Now she knows. I am actually effing bonkers."

However, it didn't stop us being friends. In fact I think it may have speeded up the process somewhat. Hurrah for Series U Funds. And for blackbirds wearing towels.


p.s. Punky's reign of bossiness continues. In the extras you'll find today's picture of him telling Cazza to get out of her lazy bed.

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