Wrinkly (Day 809)

It was a bit grey and dreich as I wandered up the hill with the dogs this morning, a huge change from yesterday.
I was soon off to town to do a little job, collect a bunch of stuff and then back to Keith's to do more on his bathroom. Today was a day of wood butchery, which I am not particularly confident with, but I think I have made a fairly reasonable job.
I was lucky to have a surprise visit from my beautiful wife and the dogs, which was a really nice distraction from sawing up bits of wood.
Late on in the afternoon, I heard that parts I have been waiting for, have arrived and I will be able to bash on with another bathroom which the customer wants finished by the end of the month. The next few days are going to be quite busy.
I trundled home and decided to zoom out on the bicycle for a short ride. I was really pleased when I realised I had knocked two minutes off my previous best time for the route, and smashed my personal best for one of the climbs - I am now 9th fastest of the 52 people who have posted times for the section. Not bad for someone who has only been cycling since January.
The camera hasn't been out of the bag all day, but a couple of wrinkled petals on the sunflowers in the kitchen caught my eye.

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