Ej and Billy (Day 1166)

After the morning woofer wander, my beautiful wife headed off to Stromness to get Billy ready for the annual Stromness hack. A little later, I zoomed across in the van, to pinch the car so I could take our two dogs and Evie the wonderdog off for their afternoon walk.
I arrived to find HV still getting organised and was able to get a couple of shots of Ej and Billy together. 
The weather turned a bit poop as the dogs and I arrived at Yesnaby, where a motocross event was taking place. We wandered north in warm drizzle and had to wait a while for a group of 30 odd tourists to negotiate a style over a fence. Despite it being fairly obvious that we were waiting for them to pass, they chose the style to change clothes, have conversations, look at the view and generally hold up proceedings. 
We passed them again on the way back to the car, this time sitting on the path having some lunch. It was a bit of a struggle to keep Talisker away from the sandwiches.
Extra shot of HV, Billy and Ej 

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