jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Chocolate chops

I said this when Ben was learning to walk, that my aim was to not have to carry him or use the buggy by the time he was Two to get to the shop and back. At the rate Charley's going I'll have that wish with him... I swear, if he's not eating, nursing or sleeping, he's walking. He just spends his days wandering around the ground floor, practising, picking random stuff up and taking it around with him. Today's obsessions were a jack-to-jack lead to apparently use as a teether, and a block of chipboard about 4"x12" which seemed to be the perfect size to carry around. Who needs toys, huh!

I took Ben to preschool today while Charley was asleep on Steve. We pretended to be flying fish until he got tired and wanted a carry, so he had a cuddle most of the way there and although he was more than happy to go in, he wanted an extra kiss and long cuddle before going in! Very cuddly boy today.

While he was at school we sanded a huge pile of clay decorations ready for painting, and I finally got round to playing with the lino cut I did on Wednesday.

Happy, happy mama.

16 prints ready for prettying up later!

AND I got to pick Ben up by myself although ended up meeting Steve outside the school anyway as he'd finished in town quicker than he expected. So Steve carried Charley home and I carried Ben and we raced and Ben shrieked happily as he bounced in my arms and we lost but who cared :D

This evening Steve is fiddling with my website trying to embed the blog into the website. Bit fiddly it would seem.

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