Swimming and climbing

Swimming this morning, we realised that Charley is quite capable of all the things asked of him in his swimming class, he just gets all stressed about the submersions (understandable, but they are such a vital part of the lessons that I don't want to stop that bit) and is then too flustered to get on with swimming. Going to see if we can get him on a week-long intensive course to see if he can learn to relax about it a little.

Ben's swimming is coming on in leaps and bounds now we've found his goggles again! As soon as he gets his face in the water his body straightens out and he can go pretty fast. And he's remembering to come up for air as well, which is a relief!

Charley fell asleep on the way home so I was able to go grocery shopping by myself for a change - useful at the moment because the whole store layout has changed and is enough to drive anybody mad. Found some new slippers though, it is nice to have slippers with no holes where there oughtn't to be any.

And this afternoon, after an epic lunch of beans and cheese and fried eggs on toast, I spent washing up.

Charley has been practising climbing today, and tool improvisation and use. Pushing his stool over to the sofa so he can climb up. Then along, over the divide between the two sofas, and along to where the trackball for the computer is: his obsession.

We've been listening to Matt Redman's 10,000 Reasons album a lot today. There's a few songs on it that may be on repeat quite a lot for a while, songs that become prayers. "Fire" is our prayer cry. God give us strength for today, keep the dreams alive, be the faith in our heart and the fire in our eyes. "Never Once" is our remembrance and gratitude prayer. Remembering and acknowledging how God has never left us, and will never leave us.

And then, after today's trials, the one song fixed in my heart that I sang as a lullaby to the boys, is this:

10,000 Reasons

The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning
It's time to sing Your song again
Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
Let me be singing when the evening comes

Bless the Lord, O my soul
O my soul
Worship His holy name
Sing like never before
O my soul
I'll worship Your holy name

and I am grateful and blessed that I am indeed still singing now that evening has come :)

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