Fluttering by...
... An unusual capture for me, a 'wings down' one.
I'm having a blipcatch-up.
The last week has been a bit hectic. There has been a school sports day (much fun, though so hot that some of the competitors were a little overcome. I wouldn't want the responsibility of being Head Teacher for quids).
There has been fruit-picking and jam-making (redcurrant and orange if you're interested? An unusual choice, but I chucked so much redcurrant jelly this year, because we used so few of last years(many) jars. Giving it away is also a bit of a curate's egg.. Do people actually want jars of stuff they haven't made themselves? Do they trust that I sterilised jars properly? (I did)...Perhaps it's just me who worries about such OCD stuff? 'CDO', we call it here (because obviously the letters should be in appropriate alphabetical order)... So, old cookery books were consulted and the combination of redcurrant and orange seemed a good option. We shall see. It has set, so the pectin level was obviously ok all by itself. No pesky intervention necessary).
Monday already again then?
Still hot.
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