Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Summer is coming

That is the impression anyway and this morning was brilliant as we took off down our favourite track in the sun. By the time we got back things had gone off a bit but wait the sun is coming out again. Then The Boss went to the Supermarket after lunch and it was raining by the time he got back and things went down hill from there. The good news however was that The Boss got Broadband on again, first with a back up modem router that a SeniorNet member had given him when it was upgraded and later by getting the original Dlink to see reason for a time. We seem to have had a bad run with modems lately and a new purchase is on the list. Something a bit more reliable maybe an Airport Extreme from Mr Apple. Any counter arguments on this plan are welcome. Oh and we are Windows folk BTW.

Yet another iPhone pic but this has been processed in the Cartoon App (thanks Joshua) to give it the edgy look. Looking out the window it is DFO now but the report for the moro looks encouraging. (That's "tomorrow" NOT the Bosses favourite Choc Bar...OK?) Oh and The Bossess gave me a groom this afternoon and I am now softer than a .....Well very soft. The Boss complained as the event was a photo opp missed he says. Sigh. The Bossess say she didn't want to interrupt him while he was panel beating the modem. I think I will have a lie down now.

Hop in

iPhone 5:f/2.4:1/140":4.1mm:ISO 50

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