Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Turning Twenty-Three

So here we are.

Miss big girl pants over here is turning twenty-three. Which might I add sounds incredibly old. Where has these past years taken us, I hear you ask. WELL! Where do I begin?! 8/7/2017 on my very low key 22nd birthday I went for food with the fam, had some drinks and it was my university graduation in the same week so many joyful times were to be had. Even writing this seems like an absolute life time ago, I’ve been through so so many ups and downs I cannot even stress.

I finally moved to Manchester after years of talking about it and planning, me and lee are still very (and disgracefully) in love in our little home. I found a job after being unemployed for three drooling weeks of boredom and essentially poverty, at a restaurant being a waitress. I could see my goals and ambitions slipping away from me as the working hours of waitress sort of engulfs you into this cloud of work work work shit pay shit pay shit pay. After 9 months I broke free and got myself a snazzy new job!! I’ve learnt so many things about eyes and glasses and yet again I’ve met so many beautifully amazing people that I will hold so close and dear to my heart.

The last time I did this I was 21 and I said I’d had a very brave year and here’s to being braver and more fantastic. I definitely know I feel braver after flying this year and the entirety of the cruise fiasco was QUITE the experience (a story for another day). As for slimmer, I can say I have lost over 2 stone now and I’m feeling possibly the best I’ve ever felt about myself and everyday I can feel my little self getting happier.

I have no idea what my 23rd year will bring. I really really have no bloody clue, I haven’t got any plans really or any huge movings or ceremonies. Maybe I’ll get a quiet one?

(Also this bedroom is where I took my last 21 photo when it was lees bedroom. We now both share it and it’s our home)

Love to you all.

Happy Blipping.

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