Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Being a Brighde.

Being a Brighde.

With a ridiculous name comes great responsibility. Something I’ve learnt all to well over the years let me tell you! As if just started a new job I’ve had to introduce myself to everyone all over again. A whole new bunch of people who ‘haven’t seen it spelt like that before’ or ‘sorry what did you say your name was?!’ I can honestly say having my name has been a real life struggle I feel someone called something normal hasn’t had to deal with. Ever piece of paper has my name spelt wrong, badges have to be specially made, people read out your name and look at you with squinted eyes. I can feel the nervous tension in the room has they say one of the following: Bridget, bridge, brig-dee, brig-her-dee or some other corkers I’ve had over the years.

Who knew having a slight stupidly spelt name could make meeting new people slightly more hellish? Other fantastic perks is that people think I’m Asian, a boy or don’t employ you because they are too embarrassed to call you because they don’t know how to pronounce your name. This is the truth ladies and gentleman.

When I was younger I would curse my name and how much I despised it and wanted to change it. I still have those days. When everyone and their wife has attempted to say my name, still won’t spell it right and constantly make fun of the fact it looks like bridge or ‘oh I really thought it looked like Bridget.’ WHERES THE T PEOPLE!!!!

Minor rant over.
Don’t name your children stupidly spelt names.

Happy Blipping.

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