After the Ball

I didn't see much for fireworks debris at the curbs, on this morning's walk, the day after the Fourth, but here was one of the cats who sometimes appears to greet me.
Later, I painted another coat of paint to parts of the upstairs floors; strategically planned parts, allowing us access to strategic parts, like closets.
Still later, we pruned the heck out of one of the apple trees. You know what they say about the best time to prune: when you finally get around to it.
Later yet, I visited my little sister up at OHSU. She's nine years younger, and will always be my little sister. Her mother-in-law and sister-in-law were up for a visit from Medford. Very nice to see them.
Sis-in-law Kate, was a long-time Apple employee, and I want her to come and live with me for a week or a month. She is simply expert in her kind, clear, succinct ability to explain my often baffling iPhone. But! In case I can't get her to do that, I may be able to prevail upon the next best thing: my Blipper guests who ARE coming to stay for a week, later this month!

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