Don't Mess With Lizzie

I live in a ground floor, corner apartment.  It has a small grassy area right outside the front door and a nice lawn on the side of the building.  Because it's somewhat protected, I let Lizzie out when it's quiet.  She generally pokes about for 20 minutes or so and then goes around to the back door to come in.  Tonight I let her out and came back in the house for a minute which was just long enough for her to go in the opposite direction where she met up with two of the neighbor's cats, Buddy, and his roommate, Bagheera.  She was making very unfriendly noises.  Buddy and Baheera seemed somewhat taken aback.  Buddy growled briefly, Bagheera ran in the opposite direction, Buddy reconsidered the growling and then joined Bagheera in retreat.  By this time Lizzie was puffed up to twice her size so she looked like a small beagle.  I couldn't pick her up because she was prepared to kill me so I waited, and waited, and waited.  You can see from the picture that she made herself comfortable at the foot of the stairs strategically placed to cut off any cross traffic, and there she stayed.  When she finally deflated I grabbed her and brought her inside.  She's quite smug now having vanquished the tough guys and heaven only knows what she plans for tomorrow.  

My BlipBuddy, Mary Jo came over and we stalked frogs, damselflies, heron, and osprey with marginal success.   We had fun but I don't think either of us got the spectacular shots we were hoping for. The osprey will be back tomorrow so maybe we'll give it another try.  I put the only credible shot of a damselfly that I got in Extra.  I hate to say this because of the heat wave in the midwest and east, but we had to put on jackets because it was so chilly.  What is going on??!

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