The Corn is As High as an Elephant's eye

Which is a downright lie, but it definitely has grown a very good rate since we were last up at the allotment on Wednesday. 

Sunny weather is great, but sunny weather means trailing back and forward with buckets of water  - we are so lucky to be situated right next to the water tanks.  

Everything is so thick, and high, that watering is a bit of a precision task just now - to make sure we get everything soaked. 

Himself did the potatoes. all 15 bags of them :-) 

I did, The Sweet Corn, Leeks 1- 24, The French Beans, the Green Beans, The Peas, The Rhubarb,  The Chard, the Lettuce, the Pak Choi and More Lettuce, The strawberries, the sweet peas, the Cabbages, the Brussel Sprouts. 
Himself then took over and watered the parnsips, carrots, beetroot, courrgettes, squash, cabbges, leeks mark 2, and the onions and shallots, and the sunflowers and the strawberries and the other leeks. 

WOW! So many things. 

Then we drove home and caught this amazing sun making everything a very gorgeous golden. 

Mwah.  Lovely day. Even  though it involved an 8.15 start, and a 1928 finish.  


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