Wild Child

This morning I set off on the ultimate school run, leaving Brighton at 10.15am and arriving in Warrington at 3.25pm just in time to pick up Miss Scarlett from school!  The traffic was absolutely horrendous with the M25 at snail pace for at least 20 miles, and then the M6 was the same with all the roadworks.  

I really needed a toilet break, but there was no way I could stop as I'd never have made it to school, so I carried on.  Rachel phoned school to let them know I was stuck in traffic, and arranged with one of her friends' to pick up Scarlett if I didn't make it, but luckily they were just coming out as I got there.

I couldn't believe the heat, in the South it was 22 degrees, but when I arrived here it was 32 degrees and getting out the car felt like when you land in a hot country and get off the plane!  We popped in to see Alan's mum and dad briefly, before going to meet Rachel and Violet at Frankie & Benny's, because it's air conditioned and Rach didn't feel like cooking in this heat - I don't blame her!

When we got back to Rachel's the girls got ready for bed and I went to sit in the garden, but not long after, little Miss Violet appeared and said she wasn't going to sleep!  She was full of beans wanting to play with her buckets in the paddling pool, but she wasn't allowed to play in the water.  So then it was the swing, followed by the trampoline which I joined her on, and then she was playing with various toys in the garden and had me pushing her around on her little sit on boat.  

I took the opportunity to take some photos of her, but I had my telephoto lens on and the sun was starting to go down, so they're not particularly sharp, but I love her expression here.

Anyway, she's finally gone to bed and so have the rest of us.  Luckily Scarlett went to sleep quite early and didn't get woken up by us playing outside.   

I'll probably get behind on commenting again over the next few days, but I'll catch up when I can.

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