Teacher Leave Em Kids Alone

Eight years ago I blipped this school .

It was my school, my parents before me - and both of ours attended.

Eight years ago the school was owned and rented to the local council by the trust authority whose benefactor donated the money to Build the school.

I blipped it because the council wanted to knock it down build a new one - the head teacher was pretty much going with it too - she was new and didn’t quite get the history and sense of belonging that the people of Troon felt with the school.

Now - eight years on; the school is now owed by the local council; the monstrosity which was built as an ‘extension’ in 1979 has been demolished and a whole new extension has been built behind the original building - linked to the old building and enclosing part of the playground inside, between the two. Apart from the vile yellow they decided to paint some of the internal walls it’s pretty damn fine.

We cycled past tonight and that was the first time we had seen the completed gym halls - and covered outside areas.

All the windows have been replaced too.

It’s all pretty cool - shame neither of our two are here to see the finished product - completed by parent power!

One day maybe

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