Never gonna ask for more than your love

Life has changed since the kids have upped and left us. 

We've a lot more time for each other now, and when we aren't at work, we're together.   Together in the house; together in the town, together in the allotment; and that is fine, we are both antisocial buggars.

Today, wasn't as warm as yesterday, but we were up and out and up to the allotment, he planted, and fixed, and wired up a watering system.  I weeded, and weeded a bit more, and weeded again. 

Oh, and I planted one of my peonies.  It's called Sarah Bernhart. I keep confusing her for that American Comedienne, but Sarah Bernhart was a French Actress.  I also know this, because we were somewhere in France,  (I've just found out, after searching for 30 minutes, it was La Roche Bernard)... and there was a restaurant named after her, because she used to frequent it. 

We planted some Dwarf Green Beans today, and I planted some corriander.  I'm not sure where the original corriander went... it's gone though.. Well gone. 

The carrots have recovered from their transplanting, but the beetroots are looking a little weary :-( 

Everything else is looking splendid. 

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