New hat!

This beauty arrived today, a belated birthday gift from my sister-in-law - it put such a big smile on my face! I'd had the camera and tripod set up taking a capture of the latest artwork so I quickly put some lipstick on and attempted a self portrait. Which was out of focus. And then Steve and the boys arrived home and there is NOTHING quite like trying to look all cutesy when you have an audience watching intently. Even Charley laughed at me!! So cheese it is, but a gorgeous hat ;)

I think I was woken up at exactly the wrong part of a sleep cycle this morning, and as a result I've been struggling all day :( Breakfast was lovely though, Steve and Ben went out to buy croissants :D

Still, babies and children don't pay much mind to how tired their parents are, and Ben spent an hour this afternoon bouncing (literally) all over Steve, and Charley proceeded to show us his latest trick. He's been practising for a week now. He can climb up onto the sofa by himself. And, therefore, also over the sofa. No more leaving them to their own devices while I make breakfast. The walking thing was great. The climbing thing - I'm not so sure about.

Steve's out for the evening now. I am so tired I'm struggling to keep my eyes open and nearly fell off a chair earlier as I nodded off. Thankfully the "what shall I feed the boys" problem has been solved with Ben asking for a ham sandwich, and Charley happy with a grazing plate. Bed soon!

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