
36wks today

Breakfast - a bit of a change from yesterday. Very very civilised, not at all stressed! Charlie-bear and Kaloo joined Ben (a.k.a. Charlie-bear-daddy) for breakfast. Ben had a hot buttered crumpet, Charlie-bear had bread and sausages, and Kaloo had bread and a banana! They sat and watched the Kodo drummers while they ate.

Ben was happy to see Hayley for a few minutes when she popped round to collect spare house keys - hers and mine - and told her all about the Kodo drummers that he was watching, and showed her the bedroom that Stuart and Daddy had been working on. It's exciting to see progress up there although my background stress levels do seem to rise every time there's disruption... understandable I suppose, with four weeks to go. Steve wants to get the ceiling and new plasterboard plastered tomorrow evening, and after that we will have to see. Honestly, I'm not holding my breath that we'll have a finished bedroom that quickly, although it is possible.

Been a funny old day so far. Grey outdoors, tired me, feel like I'm coming down with a bit of a cold or something, so no motivation to go to the shops. I need to get a couple of nighties and a lightweight dressing gown for my hospital bag - the ones I got when pregnant with Ben really are awful and I'm not sure where they are any more. Thankfully. I think I've found some much nicer bits online though, we'll have to see what Steve thinks! Ben has been a bit whingy and clingy and button-pushy but not as dreadful as yesterday morning. I guess he needs fresh air and to be able to run around a bit. I wish I could be what he needs at the moment.

Tomorrow hopefully Ben'll get a chance to run around. He's coming with us to the hospital for the growth scan to see Baby again, and then hopefully Hayley's going to pick him up in between scan and antenatal appointment.

I've done some creative stuff today though. Made cinder toffee! It's still cooling and hardening at the moment, but the bits around the edges of the tin are lovely already :D

Got fireworks to go out to tonight so I suppose at some point I really ought to get dressed ;0)

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