Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

It's Back!

No wonder it feels cold...It snowed again last night and we have another coating of white on the mountains around us. The Bossess won Rummikub twice and The Boss feels she cheated as everyone partook of the local red except her. Unfair advantage he cried. Tough she answered. Judges decision...A draw. Sigh
So The Boss didn't mow the lawn but played with iPad apps and got this really cool one that transferred pics from his Iphone to his Ipad to allow editing with a bigger screen and Snapseed + others in time. He has decided that his second camera will now be an iPhone not the G12 as it is always in his pocket and he loves a challenge. Any hints on how to capture a fast moving dog at ISO 50 on a dull day??

I think this is Mt Burke which was shot on the OM-D, downloaded into the ipad, turned to Mono in snapseed, emailed back to the PC ('Cos he wanted to see it in Lightroom) and posted to Blip in the usual way. WOW 5 stars at least for complications but it was a cold day and I did get a stickathon but was quite half hearted today as other stuff was more interesting. The Boss certainly had fun with various transfer apps and settled on "Photo Transfer App" as the hands down winner. After bashing things together for some time and getting variable results with "bump" he preferred a non violent solution and Bump got bumped. I bet you knew that!

Open the Fridge door

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