A seasonal frame

I had a moment to look back at my photos from yesterday and there were a couple which were not so bad! I liked this one in particular as these tufts of cotton were seedheads waving from a swathe of dying plants and I wasn't sure of their name.

Today was cold but sunny and I resumed our normal walk trying to focus on the autumn colours which are dropping from the trees all too quickly. This cameo caught my eye of the Parish Church, on the left, and its companion, now regularly used as a hall, framed by the glorious autumn foliage glinting in the sunlight. This was on full zoom and heavily cropped so I am glad the image stood up to all of that.

Everywhere I walked the leaves were crisp, rustling and gathering in large groups where they had been swept by yesterday's winds. Many trees are now bare and the colour is now reliant on the fact that the many beech trees will hold on to most of their leaves until the springtime.

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