Wet Dry Sunny Rainy

By eubers

Day 5

Very warm today. Decided a day just mooching around day would be nice after yesterdays jaunt. Gortex and I walked in to town and had a wee look round the shops. Went to Bar Fernando for a Pa Amb Oli - which I think is Catalan for 'bread and olive oil' or possibly just 'ham sandwich' - Very nice though - a coffee some nice food a read in the sun. Wandered back down to the marina and stopped for a refreshment - it was that kind of warm day. When we got back Gortex went to sunbathe and everyone else was heading to the marina but I was too tired so sat on the balcony (in the shade) and drank coffee and read - actually I fell asleep!
By evening time Gortex, A'desk and Blips'about headed back in to town for a nice meal at Bar Fernando. Later we all went round to the Mozo apartment but sleep overtook me and I had to go home to bed!

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