
By shininglight


Tsadhe is the 18th letter in the Hebrew alephbet.
It has a value of 90
The pictograph looks like a fish hook.
The meaning of this letter is , to hunt, catch, pull forward, harvest, something inescapable, trouble, desire.

18 is the number of , ' chai ' the Hebrew word for life, and 90 is significant in Jewish tradition as the fullness of life ( both pictures of Jesus )

Words associated with this letter;
Genesis 10 v9, hunter
Job 10 v 11, hunt
Jeremiah 35 v 22 , sidon ( fishing)
Matthew 11v 21, Bethsaida ( house of the fisher )

The word for righteous, which in Hebrew is tzedeq, is a tsadhe word and brings with it a picture of a person who is a faithful, humble servant with his arms raised before the LORD in humility. A righteous person is a person whose words and deeds match.
Tzedeq can also mean justice.

Jesus alone is our righteousness.

Another tsadhe word is found in one of the names of God, Jehovah Sabaoth , which means The LORD of Hosts.
Joshua 5 v 14,15. " I am the commander of the LORD 'S army " ( the lord of hosts ) , this refers to Jesus.
1 Samuel 17 v 45, David comes before Golaith in the name of the LORD of Heaven's Armies, ie in the name of Jehovah Sabaoth.

Jesus is the supreme commander over us.

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