
By shininglight


The Hebrew letter, Phe , is the 16th letter of the alephbet.
It has a value of 80.
The pictograph looks something like a mouth.
The meaning of this letter is , mouth, word, expression, vocalisation, speech, breath, to command, opening, entrance, ( the source )

The spritual number 80 means prayer.
Psalm 80 declares:
'Let your hand rest on the man at your right hand, the son of Man you have raised up yourself. Then we will not turn away from you;
Revive us and we will call on your name.

The 80 th chapter of the bible is the instructions for the construction of the altar of incense, the basin for washing, the anointing oil, and the formual for the sacred incense ( Exodus 30 ) All are pictures of prayer.

Revelation 8v3-4 "Another angel who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of the saints, on the golden altar before the throne. The smoke of the incense together with the prayers of the saints went up before God from the angel's hand.

How does Jesus fulfil the letter Phe ;
Jesus is the living word. The Son of God became divine communication to us, ( God expressing Himself to us )
Jesus is our commander
Jesus is our source
In Hebrew scripture, the word was an agent of creation ( psalm 33v6), the source of God's message to His people through the prophet's ( Hosea 4v 1 ) , and God's law, His standard for holiness ( psalm 119 v 11 )
Jesus is the prophet ( Luke 7v16, Matthew 13v 57, John 4v19 ) and He has perfectly met the requirements of the law for us , that we might share in His holiness .

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