Qoph is the 19th letter with a value of 100.
The pictograph looks like a sun on the horizon, and carries with it a sense of a complete circle or the end of a cycle.
Meaning of the letter Qoph;
Back of the head, what is behind, last, final, what follows, the least, as well as surrounds,a complete cycle.
Words associated with the letter Qoph;
Kadosh, this is the word which translates as holy, which means set apart for a specific purpose, but here it is in the form of an adjective and so is used to describe God who is holy by nature. God alone is Kadosh.
Kodesh, means a holy thing, ( a vessel, or days, feasts )
Ruach Hakodesh, the name for the Holy Spirit ( literally means , the breath of the Holy one )
Qara, means to cry out, to call out, to read aloud
Qol, translates as voice.
Qahal is a beautiful word made up from 3 letters, Qoph, Heh and lamedh, which means, ' what follows the staff'. The sheep follow the shepherds staff. This word in English is the word we use for congregation.
John 10 v4 After He has gathered His own flock, He walks ahead of them, and they follow Him because they know His voice.
Matthew 18 v12 - 14. If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do ? Won't he leave the ninety nine others on the hill and go search for the one that is lost ? And if he finds it , l tell you the truth, he will rejoice over it more than over the ninety nine that didn't wander away ! In the same way ; it is not My heavenly Father 's will that even one of these little ones should perish.
A lamb that is lost will cry out ( Qara ) The word Qara is made up of the letter qoph, resh and aleph. Aleph and resh together make the word , seeing, so this word literally means, ' what follows seeing '. When we see we are lost, see that we are a sinner that needs rescued we cry out ( Qara ) and will be saved.
Jesus is the Good shepherd who laid down His life for the sheep. ( John 10 v 11 )
100 = holy flock
How does Jesus fulfil the letter qoph ;
Though He was God, He did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, He gave up His devine privileges, He took the humble position of a slave and He was born as a human being. When He appeared in human form, He humbled Himself in obedience to God and He died a criminals death on a cross.
Philippians 2 v 6- 8
Jesus made himself nothing, He became the least, He gave everything up for us.
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- Samsung GT-S7275R
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- f/2.6
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- 100
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