Anniversary 2012

We walked among the changing colors of Fall, down back alleys and pathways used by locals to get too and from the town, the theaters and the shops. The neighborhoods in Ashland, home of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival are gorgeous, the shops, quaint, the restaurants, international and tasty, and an entire little herd of deer showed up in the front yard to affirm that wildlife like it here too.

The Victorian Secret...vacation rental where we stayed, was set up perfectly for everything we needed. It was cozy and friendly, and the walls displayed the paintings of the owner, Julie, beautiful and dramatic, every one!

It was truly wonderful not to have my computer along for this trip. The pace was slow and it was wonderful to have absolutely no agenda. We feel completely and thoroughly blessed, grateful to have the love of each other, the love of family and friends and hope in our hearts for more wonderful years together!

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