Breaking Out

Breaking routine is always SO refreshing to me. While loving to break out, it's always a little disturbing to me (secretly, of course) that the world goes on without me while I'm gone. Somewhere in our little hearts, we search for a place in the world where our presence is vitally important. Family is a great indication of such a place, and we look for someplace beyond our own family where we are relevant, where we are missed when we aren't there....while at the same time wishing for anonymity so that we can sneak away and play and no one will mind.

I'm so glad to see that everyone is surviving without me! I had 50 notification in the past week. So much going on around here!

There has been a tragedy!!! But, alas, it is going to be alright. You see, I plugged my battery charger with my spare battery, in at The Victorian Secret where Mr. Contraptioneer and I hung out for a couple of days (absolutely wonderful home, perfect neighborhood, a little slice of heaven on earth) to celebrate our 8th anniversary. Well, I really didn't take many photos and I didn't remember I'd plugged it in, and forgot! Well, neither the battery charger or battery are easily replaced, so I have contacted the wonderful Innkeeper, Julie, and they will send it back to me in the envelope I have sent to them. All will turn out OK, but I've decided to bask in the opportunity to slow down a tiny bit.

Here, I give you the windmill in my front yard :-) taken just before we left town on Monday (this being a backblip, of course). Immediately after taking this photo, we hopped in the car and started tried to start it. This sent us to get a replacement battery, only to find out, after waiting while they checked it and rotated the tires, that they didn't have one in stock, but their other store across town did. We picked one up at the other store...sitting in the waiting room eating popcorn...and giggled about how fun it is to be together...even in a tire store (where they sell batteries, of course). It reminded me of many vacations I took as a child with my family, that began with waiting while something on the truck was repaired.

I'm going to ration out my blips from last week until my battery charger arrives. Tuesday's will have to be a montage..I'm certain of it!

Ahhhh, it's good to be back!

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