Last year on Good Friday I blipped You can’t experience the ups of Easter Sunday without the lies of Good Friday ...well today was a rude awaken that J has his cross to bear.
K rand at midnight as he has been vomiting for an hour and couldn’t keep his very time specific meds down..
12:30 arrive at hospital...pushed to get him through as he is only 5 months after transplant.
3:00 fluids and anti sickness meds given at last after lots of nagging and frustration
4:00 saw doctor but really need to see renal doctor
6:30 am see renal doctor...to be transferred.
The Rev and I came home for a snooze then I went on the walk of witness
6:00pm back to hospital
7:00 discharged....yippee. They so needed to get home.

Thankful for.....such a laid back son and an amazingly supportive kind daughter in law.

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