Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Wombat Heaven!

Wow, what an incredible privilege to be able to feed an orphaned baby Wombat.  CCN and I had heard yesterday that a wonderful woman who lived in the Kanimbla Valley was caring for two little orphans.  I managed to locate Anna's phone number and very cheekily rang and introduced myself to her this morning.  When I asked if we could possibly call by at some stage and see the babies she very spontaneously said - "Of course, what are you doing today".  Well I can tell you, anything we might be planning had to take second place.  When we arrived at 1.00pm we were greeted by Anna, Boris, Hutch, Florence and of course the two little wombats, Ella and Willow.  Ella is the one happily sucking on the bottle and I've posted an extra image of Willow having a "Power Nap" on the sofa.  The second one is of Anna and CCN enticing little Ella to have a little bit more sustenance.

A huge bonus for both CCN and I was to meet Anna Culliton.  Anna is one of Australia's renowned ceramicists and we were introduced to her work when we visited a very special Gallery in Lithgow.   I have added this link to an article from the National Portrait Gallery.  I always admire people who devote so much of their time caring for injured or orphaned wildlife.  These two little characters both lost their mothers when they were struck by vehicles on the Jenolan Caves Road.  Thankfully the babies were rescued and will now spend the next couple of years in the care of Anna and her husband Boris.  We can't thank them enough for allowing us to visit them this afternoon.  It's an experience that we will never forget.  

Oh, and I have a confession to make.  CCN and I purchased the most adorable little ceramic wombat created by Anna when we visited the Gang Gang Gallery in Lithgow yesterday.  I promise I'll post a photo of the wombat  tomorrow.  The Gallery has only opened fairly recently and is absolutely wonderful.  I can only encourage you to head on over and look at the website.  The gallery is a fantastic asset for Lithgow and will attract a lot of interest.  We're actually enrolled to do the Travel Journal drawing course with renowned Blue Mountains artist Natasha Daniloff in a few weeks time.  Now that will be interesting, particularly for this wombat who has never drawn much since drawing a cloud in the sky when I was at primary school :)

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