
Tube down to South Kensington for the Science Museum, a place that we'd never taken our girls to previously, having always plumped in the past for the Natural History. And, we intended to go up to the top floor of the museum and work our down but that top floor was so good that we ended up staying there right until the end - absolutely tons of interactive stuff going on in the Launchpad area, girls loved it.

Nowt better after all that science than going record-shopping in the increasingly-inclement weather. I happened to get to Rough Trade East just as en event was starting with film director Julien Temple introuducing a DVD screening of his film London - The Modern Babylon and he was commenting how the rain and the mist and the darkness around the half-disappearing skyscrapers of The City made the whole place look absolutely magical and atmospheric like a movie in itself. I was thinking of his words later when I was crouching against a pillar on Bishopsgate taking photos of people on their way home from work, traffic, umbrellas, buses, taxis, streetlights, reflections in puddles and the like. I couldn't have been happier.

Bit of music, summat from a Rough Trade purchase.

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