Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Abu Simbel

Backblipping. Another full, lovely day. Up early and out at 4.30am clutching our breakfast boxes. We were the only guests around, which surprised us as we'd been told that this was the most popular time to leave for the 3hr 15 min drive through the desert to Abu Simbel. A flashing torch across the inky black Nile summoned the hotel's ferry boat to pick us up. It was still chilly and we were glad of our jumpers even for the 5 min crossing. Our driver was waiting for us on the other side. Well, we thought it was our driver until another man got in the driver's seat and our driver made himself at home in the front seat! Ah, he was the guide. We hadn't realised he'd be travelling with us. So we had Bishoy the guide and Ashraf the driver for company on the journey. Bb leant back and relaxed. I was more alert, wanting first to make sure that Ashraf was awake, wouldn't text and drive while balancing hot tea on his lap. Too many taxis in Cairo! Ashraf didn't do any of those things but I still stayed awake as driving through the darkness into the desert was an adventure. Our first stop was to take photos of the sunrise. Second stop was for a toilet break, coffee and to enjoy the goodies in our breakfast boxes. Never has an omelette sandwich and milky coffee tasted so good! There were a few security stops on the way with very boyish looking armed policemen and soldiers staring through the window and my Arabic stretched to understanding Ashraf's, 'Two English'. And he wasn't talking about our breakfasts. The road was surrounded by desert and we now saw that there were quite a few busloads of tourists also heading to Abu Simbel. Well, either that or to Sudan! I always get a ripple of excitement knowing I'm so near such a different place. With the daylight came the heat and soon the aircon was turned on. And suddenly we were there and what a sight it was and made all the more amazing to think that each and every stone had been moved 110 metres because of the new high dam flooding the original site. See Bb's blip for full details of the two temples:

Just 1hr 30 and we were back on the road again. Same cafe and toilet stop, but this time without the excitement of breakfast boxes, but with the added excitement of a mirage in the distance. A young policeman (gun bulging out of his pocket of course) was helping tourists across the fast road to take pics and we joined in. The pics were rubbish, but the experience was memorable.

Back in Aswan, we enjoyed a very leisurely snack lunch in the Egyptian restaurant and then a bit of a snooze on one of the comfy chairs. Dinner was booked for 8pm in The Panorama Restaurant in the older part of the hotel on the 13th floor and with amazing views. The views and proximity more than made up for the rather amusing Fawlty Towers service and ok food! Great day and we collapsed into bed at 10.30pm.

I've added a few extras.

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