A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Places I want to be


Places I don’t want to be: Anna’s school’s PTA meeting. Not just because I expect it to be very dull and I won’t be volunteering for anything as I am too committed at J’s school and with work and drumming and frankly reading.

I have done a terrible thing today and started my 4th book. It’s a bad habit I get into sometimes and makes me feel like reading books is like playing Downfall. At some point in the next month I will finish all 4 in a week. Blame A Good Read that I listened to earlier and made me want to read everything they were talking about. The top book here is one of them. The other one I wanted, A Girl’s Guide to Hunting and Fishing is out of print and so I will have to hunt down a second hand copy.

But I digress...mainly because what I want to do on this cold, dark evening is curl up on the sofa and crack on with my reading pile-up.

But I said I would go, so I will.

Lesley x

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