Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Big Mac

Mr G. and The Dizzle came back from an energetic and healthy session of badminton and celebrated with ... Big Macs and fries and McFlurries and mozzarella sticks and fizzy drinks ... oh and watching Friends. All very American really. The Dizzle dipped out of camera shot as he was embarrassed about his hair, which I understand as it does look a bit like a toilet brush at the moment.

We went to B&Q to buy more paint tonight and met Paul and Pauline ("no relation”). Two very helpful staff. We took a FaceTime call from The Girl Racer who helped us with colour choices. She is very happy. Oh and a woman accused me of stealing her trolley then apologised when she realised she was wrong. About as much drama as you can get in aisle eleven (paint mixing).

We also looked at wooden flooring. Paul was very helpful here too. Him and TSM had a long conversation about choice of GPs and the benefits of evening access to primary care.

Life is so interesting...

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