Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

All a bit too much

The day that is. The wind blew; not just blew, it taunted, one minute slapping the backs of your legs then suddenly appearing in front of you and freezing your cheeks, spitting in your eye and gusting away like a fart in the face.

Couldn’t resist a trip to the chip shop at lunch time, despite the weather. I needed something to accompany my vegan sausage roll. They have a collection of shop window kitsch which I always find amusing.

I was interviewing today, which I always find draining; got a good outcome but that and a bit of deadline management and some firefighting left me running on empty come late afternoon. By this time it was bucketing down but I got a lift to the station and took refuge in a wine bar before meeting TSM for date night.  Pub grub and a trip to see Vice at the local Odeon (The inside track story on Dick Cheney and how he ran America with George W Bush as his front man).

I really, really need a bit of chill time tomorrow morning ...

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